Thursday, March 31, 2005
Tejada on HB 1798
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Walter Tejada and Lou Dobbs
DOBBS: As we reported last night, Virginia Governor Mark Warner signed a measure that would limit public benefits such as Medicaid and welfare for illegal aliens. Among those opposed to that bill, and now law, is my next guest. Arlington County board member Walter Tejada says the bill, quote, "fans the flames of anti-immigrant sentiment," end quote. He also says there is no evidence illegal aliens are abusing the system.
Walter Tejada joins us tonight from our Washington studios. Good to have you with us.
DOBBS: The fact is that it's clearcut that Medicaid and other services are provided to illegal aliens. Why do you resist that suggestion that taxpayers are providing benefits for illegal aliens?
TEJADA: First, Mr. Dobbs, no human being is illegal. And the fact is that we have laws already in the books, called federal law, that prohibits undocumented persons from receiving public benefits. What we have in Virginia is a redundant law for something that already exists. Undocumented persons do not qualify, yesterday, not today or tomorrow, to receive any public benefits such as Medicaid or otherwise.
DOBBS: So let's start out with a couple of things. No person in this country is illegal? Sir?
TEJADA: There's no human being who is illegal, Mr. Dobbs. And what we're talking about are human beings, your next-door neighbor your co-worker, your next-door shopper when you go to the mall, and your classmates.
So what we're talking about here specifically is whether undocumented persons are receiving benefits or not. The fact is, there's no evidence to show that they are in Virginia.
DOBBS: Well, there's no evidence to show that illegal aliens are in Virginia?
TEJADA: Sir, those are your words. What I said, there's no evidence to show that undocumented workers are utilizing public benefits. There is -- we've asked for that information. Let's see it. The fact is, they are undocumented persons, already do not qualify for receiving benefits such as public benefits.
DOBBS: So let's go to a couple points. And if you don't mind, let's just you and I try, irrespective of the fact you think I'm anti- immigrant, which I assure you I'm not, but I am absolutely pro-truth and honesty.
An illegal alien is one who crosses our borders illegally, who is in this country illegally. Now, that is a person I would refer to as an illegal alien. It does not make them evil, but it does make them lawbreakers. It does, by definition, make them illegal.
DOBBS: Secondly, secondly, the fact is that the documentation of the cost for Medicaid services in the Commonwealth of Virginia is clear. You are aware of it. And you certainly, because you are urging local control over this issue, you must know your community very well. You were a state director of LULAC, for example. You know your community, Latino, legal and illegal, native born, in the state of Virginia. Do you not?
TEJADA: Sir, first, these are human beings we are talking about.
DOBBS: I've acceded to that. You don't need to keep repeating it.
TEJADA: Well, you know...
DOBBS: We wouldn't be talking about them if they weren't people, human beings.
TEJADA: Well, sir, I agree with you that you are anti-immigrant, absolutely. You have made a way to flame this kind of discussion all the time, not allowing folks an opportunity to allow you to provide balance in your stories.
The fact is that immigrants contribute to the fiber of this country every day. We have $421 billion, with a B...
DOBBS: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- Mr. Tejada, I have never denied there's a contribution to the country. I've only tried to point out that corporations and businesses and employees are exploiting cheap labor. And the fact of the matter is, they are exploiting the very people you say you want to represent. They're exploiting the people you said you did represent when you were the director of LULAC.
You continue to create a fiction about me being anti-immigrant? I'm pro-immigrant.
DOBBS: I'm anti-illegal immigration, and I'm anti, anti, positioning and posturing, like the kind that you're carrying out right now.
The reality is, taxpayers are paying for the services. And you suggest they are not? Mr. Tejada, you are far, far too intelligent to expect any of us to buy that.
TEJADA: Sir, I am proud of my service with the Legal (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Latin American Citizens. It's a great organization.
DOBBS: I agree with you.
TEJADA: The fact of the matter...
DOBBS: It's a terrific organization.
TEJADA: The fact of the matter is, in providing balanced journalism, sir, I think it's important that you also highlight the positive contributions that immigrants make day in and day out to this community, to this nation. If we were talking a few years ago, we'd be talking about the Irish, we'd be talking about the Polish, we'd be talking about the Italians.
DOBBS: The Irish, the Poles, the Italians...
DOBBS: ... Mr. Tejada, as you know, as a student of history and a very bright and educated man, came through Ellis Island, didn't they?
TEJADA: Sir, this is part what I mean. You don't allow a balanced journalism in your show. Last night, you had three great guests, and you wouldn't allow them to elaborate.
But I would say to this, what we need in this country is true, comprehensive immigration reform, in that we all agree, I think. I think you will agree on that as well. We need to create the political will to make sure that we do have true immigration reform, so we don't have to deal, folks like myself at the local level, and have to carry out -- put the burden that we already have high assessments in northern Virginia. Our taxpayers are already drained, we're having to pay a lot of (UNINTELLIGIBLE)...
DOBBS: Mr. Tejada...
TEJADA: ... and we're trying to provide tax relief.
So we want to know, what to make sure that whatever the state is putting into place, it is funded. How much is this going to cost us in Virginia to implement this bill? We need a study to determine what the impact of that is going to be.
DOBBS: You need a study. Well, I appreciate you taking the time. I hope you'll come back, and we'll have a more comprehensive look at what you call comprehensive immigration reform. Will you do that?
TEJADA: I'd be delighted to attend your show if we can do it a balanced way, so we can talk about the...
DOBBS: Well, we're going to do it our way...
DOBBS: ... and, you know, what you call fair and balanced...
TEJADA: Well, sir...
DOBBS: ... you got to go over to the place over there, what is it, Fox that does that?
TEJADA: Sir, you -- Sir...
DOBBS: You know, we appreciate it.
TEJADA: Well, you have generated public opinion with the...
DOBBS: And if you want to have an honest discussion, you're welcome back any time. But you're not going to sit here and dictate the terms.
TEJADA: Well, sir...
DOBBS: We appreciate you for being here.
DOBBS: Come back any time you feel like it.
TEJADA: Balance in reporting is what we ask for.
DOBBS: I just ask for the truth and straight facts. No politics, no games. Thank you, Mr. Tejada.