Thursday, November 23, 2006

Fitness Arlington Gets Traction

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada and his work on 'Fitness Arlington' was included in an article on childhood obesity in the Washington Post. "Although the obesity epidemic costs Virginia, Maryland and the District $3 billion annually, localities in the region have few programs designed to help obese children, a group of health directors and other officials were told recently." (See earlier post on 'Fitness Arlington'.)

Tejada is "launching a countywide program called 'Fitness Arlington' next year that he hopes will be a selling point to employers eyeing vacant office space in Crystal City. That area will be hard hit with the coming loss of 17,000 defense and contracting jobs recommended by the federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission."

Tejada also said "it is in localities' best interests to promote healthy lifestyles, given rising health-care costs. Employers often look at obesity rates in states where they're looking to relocate. "It's a big deal, and we have to get involved," Tejada said.

NOTE: You are invited to attend the Fit Arlington Cafe, a community-wide dialogue on how to inspire fitness, with County Board Member Walter Tejada and Arlington Schools Board Member Ed Fendley on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Walter Reed Community Center (2909 16th Street South). To RSVP, email If you have any questions, contact Laura Lazour at (703) 228-3324. Healthy refreshments will be served.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tejada Speaks on Immigration

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada will be discussing immigration issues in a talk sponsored by Arlington League of Women Voters, tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlington Career Center, according to the Washington Post.

This event is free; the Center is located at 816 S. Walter Reed Drive.
For more information, call (703) 536-8270.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fitness Arlington!

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada yesterday announced “Fitness Arlington,” a year-long effort looking at both physical and emotional health, according to the Sun Gazette. Tejada said, “We're going to find out what makes a healthy community - [and] we want to have fun."

You are invited to attend the Fit Arlington Cafe, a community-wide dialogue on how to inspire fitness, with County Board Member Walter Tejada and Arlington Schools Board Member Ed Fendley on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Walter Reed Community Center (2909 16th Street South). To RSVP, email If you have any questions, contact Laura Lazour at (703) 228-3324. Healthy refreshments will be served.

Update: The Dec 2 Fit Arlington Cafe event was highlighted in Back Fence.

(Full Sun Gazette Article Below)

Fitness to Be County Focus in 2007
by Scott McCaffrey, Staff Writer
(Created: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 8:08 AM EST)

Arlington government officials are hoping that 2007 is a year when county residents commit to get fit.“We're going to hit the ground running, literally,” said County Board member Walter Tejada, who on Nov. 14 announced plans for “Fitness Arlington,” a year-long effort looking at both physical and emotional health.“We're going to find out what makes a healthy community - [and] we want to have fun,” Tejada said.

Working with Tejada will be School Board member Ed Fendley. They, along with staff (and, this being Arlington, no doubt a task force), will look at issues ranging from elevating eating habits to reducing stress.” A kickoff brainstorming session is slated for Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Walter Reed Community Center. Residents of all ages are invited to participate.While the effort isn't slated to start until the new year, at least one elected official has gotten a head start.

County Board Chairman Chris Zimmerman has increased his exercise routine throughout the year, largely through biking and running, and has shed some weight.“I've had a great time,” Zimmerman said at the Nov. 14 board meeting.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tejada Visits Drew School

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada visited a Montessori classroom at Drew Model School today at the bequest of several elementary students. His visit was blogged on by the teacher, Ms. Perera. Drew is a countywide and neighborhood school named in honor of Dr. Charles Richard Drew.