Friday, July 21, 2006

Tejada: We Need Affordable Housing

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada spoke out about affordable housing, "the most challenging subject facing our community," in The Connection. Speaking at the Civic Federation earlier this year, Tejada declared, "We continue to struggle as best as we can, but we need to come up with different options. We need to try new things."

The article reported that "between 2000 and 2005 the county lost 9,900 affordable housing units, or 52 percent of its total. Since November 2004, owners of more than 2,300 rental units have begun the process of converting them into condos, and another 500 units are scheduled to be demolished to make way for townhouses and other high-priced dwellings."

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This Saturday!
August 19, 6pm - 8pm
Guest of Honor Governor Tim Kaine

Saturday, August 19, 2006
NRECA Conference Center
4301 Wilson Boulevard in Ballston
(free parking using the North Taylor entrance/underground garage)
CLICK HERE for more information!
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Columbia Pike Transformation

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada commented on the building of a grocery store on Columbia Pike, "which neighbors and county officials hope will someday serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the south Arlington corridor," according to the Arlington Connection. Tejada said he was "committed to making [a new grocery store] happen. It might take a few months longer, but it's worth waiting."