Thursday, October 23, 2003

Tejada Sets Agenda in Campaign

Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada has set an important agenda as he runs for his first full term in November, according to the Arlington Connection. "Tejada has run three campaigns this year, two of which gave him the chance to complete the term of late board chair Charles Monroe. On November 4, Tejada hopes voters will give him [his own] four-year term."

The article notes several of Tejada's priorities including:

  • Education will be a top priority. That means ensuring adequate funding for public schools.
  • Tejada also advocates creation of a “Community Role Models” mentoring program. “Eighty percent of the population does not have any connection to the schools,” said Tejada.
  • He also considers himself an advocate of fiscal responsibility. That doesn’t mean he would advocate large tax cuts though. “At a minimum I would like to maintain the quality of services we enjoy in Arlington,” he said.
  • Tejada also advocates establishing an office of the Public Defender, a move, he said, which would ensure that even the most economically disadvantaged residents get fair legal treatment.

Tejada was also included in a separate article on the annual League of Women Voters debate in this week's The Connection. "Throughout the campaign, Tejada has said bringing people together for a common cause is one of his strengths as a board member."

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