Also participating in the forum was U.S. Representative Jim Moran who stated, "Thanks to a dramatic increase in our Hispanic population over the past several years, the fabric of our community is changing in an exciting and permanent way. Encouraging Latino homeownership will strengthen our region and help these new American families build a solid financial foundation."
Friday, November 07, 2003
Tejada At 'Housing Forum'
Also participating in the forum was U.S. Representative Jim Moran who stated, "Thanks to a dramatic increase in our Hispanic population over the past several years, the fabric of our community is changing in an exciting and permanent way. Encouraging Latino homeownership will strengthen our region and help these new American families build a solid financial foundation."
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Tejada Sets Agenda in Campaign
Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada has set an important agenda as he runs for his first full term in November, according to the Arlington Connection. "Tejada has run three campaigns this year, two of which gave him the chance to complete the term of late board chair Charles Monroe. On November 4, Tejada hopes voters will give him [his own] four-year term."
The article notes several of Tejada's priorities including:
- Education will be a top priority. That means ensuring adequate funding for public schools.
- Tejada also advocates creation of a “Community Role Models” mentoring program. “Eighty percent of the population does not have any connection to the schools,” said Tejada.
- He also considers himself an advocate of fiscal responsibility. That doesn’t mean he would advocate large tax cuts though. “At a minimum I would like to maintain the quality of services we enjoy in Arlington,” he said.
- Tejada also advocates establishing an office of the Public Defender, a move, he said, which would ensure that even the most economically disadvantaged residents get fair legal treatment.
Tejada was also included in a separate article on the annual League of Women Voters debate in this week's The Connection. "Throughout the campaign, Tejada has said bringing people together for a common cause is one of his strengths as a board member."
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Tejada on the Living Wage
According to the Washington Post, "Arlington officials said last week that they are moving quickly to implement the county's new "living wage" policy that will increase hourly wages of more than 200 of the county's lowest-paid laborers, but the possibility of a legal challenge to the new policy remains. Under the new policy approved by the County Board late last month, companies awarded county contracts must pay employees a "living wage" -- the hourly amount a worker must earn to pay basic living costs without resorting to public assistance. In Arlington, that figure is $10.98 an hour, more than twice the federal minimum wage."
Saturday, March 15, 2003
Tejada Delivers Democractic Radio Address
Arlington County Board Member J. Walter Tejada delivered the Democratic Hispanic Radio Address today in which he discussed the tax-code changes favoring the wealthy, and the budget decisions that are unfriendly to families and to education.
Below is the text of his address in Spanish:
Mensaje Democrata Semanal Emitido por Walter Tejada, Miembro de la Junta de Gobierno del Condado de Arlington, Virginia
Hola, soy Walter Tejada, miembro de la junta de gobierno del condado de Arlington, Virginia. Estos son tiempos de cambio y desafio para todos nosotros. Nos vemos enfrentados con la amenaza de una guerra a nivel internacional y una corriente de malas noticias en el aspecto economico a nivel nacional. Perdimos 300,000 empleos solamente en el mes de febrero- eso es cerca de 10,000 trabajos diarios. El numero total de perdida de trabajos es de dos millones y medio en los ultimos 24 meses. Dos millones y medio de personas han perdido sus empleos, muchos de ellos empleos Hispanos. Nos vemos enfrentados a pagar mas dinero por la gasolina y el gas que usamos en las casas. Millones de trabajadores han perdido los ahorros que tenian para su jubilacion en la bolsa de valores. El resultado de todo esto es una nación nerviosa, una economia estancada y un momento crucial para que el Presidente y el Congreso de los Estados Unidos pongan de nuevo al pais por el buen camino.
Y que estan proponiendo el President Bush y los Congresistas Republicanos? La eliminacion de impuestos que solo benefician a los mas ricos, dejando atras a la gente trabajadora y las de escasos recursos. Ahora muchos economistas estan de acuerdo en que el plan del Presidente no estimulara la economia o ayudara a mejorar los mercados financieros - Pero si aumentara nuestra deuda nacional.
Y entonces quienes son los beneficiarios? Bueno aquellos que ganan $1 millon recibirian un recorte de impuestos de $27,000. Pero las familias de clase media que ganan unos $40,000 al año pueden esperar obtener un recorte de treinta dolares. Y aquellos que son dueños de acciones en cuentas de jubilacion o los fondos de retiro no recibirian nada — zero.
Esto es solo uno de los varios recortes de impuestos de los Republicanos. La ultima fue la de principios de mes, cuando el Presidente y su Partido detuvieron una medida de relevo de impuestos para los valientes hombres y mujeres que se encuentran sirviendo nuestro pais en el Golfo Persico. Ellos postergaron la legislacion de tal manera que pudieran añadir recortes de impuestos que favorecen a sus amigos en las grandes corporaciones. El total de los recortes de impuestos a estos amigos de los Republicanos fue de $ 300 millones de su dinero.
Esto no puede seguir asi.
El presupuesto del partido Republicano hace muchos recortes en programas que significan un cambio verdadero en nuestras comunidades. Por ejemplo nuestros bomberos y policias no van a recibir el dinero necesario para prepararse en caso de ataques terroristas. La educación va a sufrir. Este presupuesto corta fondos para programas para que nuestros profesores sean mas efectivos en los salones de clase y en los programas de ayuda financiera para los estudiantes universitarios. Por supuesto ya no queda dinero para un programa significativo de recetas medicas. De hecho, los republicanos planean cortar $200 mil millones de dolares. Y la lista continua.
Este es el momento para tener un liderazgo responsable. Por eso es que nosotros los Democratas proponemos un plan economico donde ponemos a las familias primero. Queremos poner el dinero en las manos de las personas que lo necesitan mas para asi estimular la economia. Nuestro programa no hace recortes en programas de salud y no afecta a las personas de la tercera edad. Los Democratas seguiremos luchando dia a dia para poner a este pais por un buen camino.
Soy Walter Tejada, miembro de la junta de gobierno del condado de Arlington, Virginia, gracias por escucharme.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Tejada is 'An Immigrant Dream'
In addition, the article states that "to many in Arlington's burgeoning Latino community, the Tejada story is an immigrant dream they know well." In addition, restaurateur Manfredo Mejia states, "When we think of Walter, we know he is somebody that has worked hard for our community, done a lot for us, whether it's a small business or working with community centers. We feel that he has lived what we have lived and can help us have our voices heard."
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
is re-elected by a margin
- Congratulations from Manfredo Mejia, owner of Atlacatl and Pupuseria on Columbia Pike
- Congratulations from Miguel Alvarez and Manfredo Mejia.
The Arlington Journal reports that "since moving to Arlington 11 years ago, Tejada has built a reputation as a community builder by organizing a breadth of projects such as a day-laborers' education and employment center and the annual Neighborhood Day. ... County Board Chairman Paul Ferguson said Tejada will open the door to Latino residents and other newcomers to join county commissions and get more politically involved. Tejada said, "I will be seeking essentially the folks I already know to participate in the political process. I think this is a victory for inclusiveness in Arlington and Virginia."
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Falls Church News-Press Endorses Tejada
From the Thursday, March 6, 2003 edition
Our Man in Arlington
By Richard Barton
It will come as no surprise to those who know me that my nod goes to Walter Tejada. Tejada may be new to the candidates’ ranks, but he is no newcomer to community and political involvement. In the county government arena, he has served on the County Board’s Fiscal Affairs Advisory Commission, the Arlington Sports Commission, the Affordable Housing Task Force, and the Arlington Bicentennial Celebration Task Force. Until recently he was the Community Liaison staff member for Congressman Jim Moran.
In community affairs, Walter has been active in the local United Way, has served on the Arlington Community Foundation’s Scholarship Selection Committee, worked as an organizer for the highly successful Arlington Neighborhood Day Multi-Cultural Celebration, and was Hurricane relief co-leader for United Salvadorean Communities. For these and a host of other community efforts, Tejada was selected by the Arlington Jaycees as Outstanding Young Arlingtonian of the Year, and received the Spirit of Community Award from the Arlington Community Foundation.
Tejada’s commitment to education is underscored by the fact that his wife, Robin, was named the 2002 Arlington Teacher of the Year as wells as Virginia’s Region IV Teacher of the Year. Clearly, educational excellence is a Tejada family project. One aspect of Tejada’s community life is probably unique in Arlington politics. He is a member of D.C. Panache men’s soccer in the Northern Virginia Soccer League. He was named Most Valuable Player for the 2002 season. He looks the part. Fit and trim, he is in excellent shape to keep up in the fast track of Arlington County Board politics.
Walter has developed a broad platform supporting Smart Growth concepts, growing after-school and mentoring programs for Arlington children, promotion of neighborhood businesses; expanding Arlington’s supply of affordable housing, lowering property tax rates, enhancing Arlington’s open spaces, and expanding local transit opportunities. He is particularly supportive of Arlington’s efforts to revitalize the Columbia Pike corridor.
More important than any specific platform plank, however, is that Tejada helps widen the window to Arlington’s diverse and vital minority and ethnic communities. If elected, he will be the first Latino official in Arlington and one of the first in the state. His campaign slogan is "For All of Arlington or Para Todo Arlington". His candidacy is a good thing for us all.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with my choice, it is important that you vote next Tuesday, March 11. The County is counting on you.